Living most of her adult life with 3 autoimmune disorders & the many challenges this brings, Mitzi from Arizona (USA) reached out to Martina (Europe) & they engaged in the KNOWING Journey online. Here she shares some of the many benefits ....
Vicki from Ireland's capital, shares her story of traumatic partial limb-loss, followed by phantom pain, anguish & post trauma stress.... with years of failed therapies & unsucessful pain solutions Vicki undertook a KNOWING Journey with Dr Martina.
Dr Martina reads a testimonial submitted by "E" , who at 43yr, after many therapies and processes found her core, seed, soul self during her KNOWING Journey.
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Claire's Phobia cured during a KNOWING Core Belief Demonstration with Dr Martina @ one of her workshops
Meet Claire who's fear of heights had prevented her from taking part in so many family activities.... and now they were going on a Ski holiday...!! WHAT ABOUT THE SKI LIFTS?!!